
UAS4Europe conferentie

Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), because of their regional embeddedness and close links to industry, public authorities and citizens, are important actors in realising the EU’s ambitions of a climate-neutral and technologically sovereign global player.

A lot of potential for UAS
With the goal to foster international collaboration, Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, allocates a large part of its budget to application-oriented research. This comes with a lot of potential for UAS.

Therefore, we want to dedicate our 3rd Networking Conference to offering a mid-term review of Horizon Europe from the perspective of the applied sciences.

Conference in two parts
The conference will be structured in two parts.

Starting with political discussions on 22 May 2023, we want to debate Horizon Europe with policymakers and industry representatives in high-level keynote speeches and panel debates, followed by a networking reception. Keynote speeches by:

  • Dr. Robbert Dijkgraaf, Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science
  • ariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

The second day, 23 May 2023, will be dedicated to interactive breakout sessions in which applied research experts can engage with one another to discuss Horizon Europe in detail.

Contribution to the mid-term review of Horizon Europe
Based on the discussions and exchanges during the conference, we will prepare a thorough written contribution to the mid-term review of Horizon Europe, from the perspective of the applied sciences and arts.



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